Source code for miniworldmaker.containers.widgets

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog
from typing import Union

import pygame

from miniworldmaker.base import file_manager
from import inspection

[docs] class Widget: """A Widget which can be placed in the Toolbar. A widget can have 'text' and an 'image'. """ def __init__(self): self.myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("monospace", 15) self.event = "no event" self.parent = None self._text = "" self.speed = 1 self._image = None self.surface = None self.timed = False self._dirty = 1 # size and position self._topleft = (0, 0) # Set in Toolbar repaint self._width = 0 # Set in Toolbar repaint self._height = 30 self._margin_bottom = 10 self._margin_top = 0 self._margin_left = 0 self._margin_right = 0 self.padding_left = 10 self.padding_top = 5 self.padding_bottom = 5 self.padding_right = 0 self.clear() # text self._text_padding_left = 5 self._text_padding_top = 0 self._text_align = "image" # background self._background_color = (200, 200, 200) # background-image self._img_width = 22 self._img_source = None # border self._border = False self._border_width = 1 self._border_color = (0, 0, 0, 255) self.dirty = 1 self._repaint() self.on_setup()
[docs] def get_local_pos(self, position): x = position[0] - self._topleft[0] y = position[1] - self._topleft[1] return x, y
@property def text_align(self): """Defines how text is aligned. If widget has an image, text is aligned left, else it can be set to "left", "center" or "right". """ if not self._img_source: return "left" else: return self._text_align @text_align.setter def text_align(self, value): self._text_align = value self.dirty = 1
[docs] def on_setup(self): """Overwrite this method if you want to add custom setup-code""" pass
[docs] def on_mouse_left(self, mouse_pos): pass
@property def text_padding_left(self) -> int: """Left text_padding""" return self._text_padding_left @text_padding_left.setter def text_padding_left(self, value: int): self._text_padding_left = value self.dirty = 1 @property def text_padding_top(self) -> int: """Top text_padding""" return self._text_padding_top @text_padding_top.setter def text_padding_top(self, value: int): self._text_padding_top = value self.dirty = 1 @property def text_padding_top_left(self) -> tuple: """Top-left text_padding""" return (self._text_padding_left, self.text_padding_top) @text_padding_top_left.setter def text_padding_top_left(self, value: int): self._text_padding_top = value self._text_padding_left = value self.dirty = 1 @property def img_width(self) -> float: """Width of image. (Height will be autoset by padding-left, padding-top and padding.right) """ return self._img_width @img_width.setter def img_width(self, value: float): self._img_width = value self.dirty = 1 @property def margin_bottom(self) -> int: """Margin below widget""" return self._margin_bottom @margin_bottom.setter def margin_bottom(self, value: int): self._margin_bottom = value self.dirty = 1 @property def margin_top(self) -> int: """Margin above widget""" return self._margin_top @margin_top.setter def margin_top(self, value: int): self._margin_top = value self.dirty = 1 @property def margin_left(self) -> int: """left margin""" return self._margin_left @margin_left.setter def margin_left(self, value: int): self._margin_left = value self.dirty = 1 @property def margin_right(self) -> int: """right margin""" return self._margin_right @margin_right.setter def margin_right(self, value: int): self._margin_right = value self.dirty = 1 @property def height(self) -> int: """Widget height""" return self._height @property def width(self) -> int: """Widget width (read only value)""" return self._width @height.setter def height(self, value: int): self._height = value @property def background_color(self) -> tuple: return self._background_color @background_color.setter def background_color(self, value: tuple): self.set_background_color(value)
[docs] def set_background_color(self, value) -> "Widget": self._background_color = value self.dirty = 1 return self
@property def dirty(self): return self._dirty @dirty.setter def dirty(self, value): self._dirty = value if self.parent: self.parent.dirty = value
[docs] def clear(self): self.surface = pygame.Surface((self.width, self.height), pygame.SRCALPHA) self.dirty = 1 return self.surface
[docs] def remove(self): """Removes the widget from toolbar""" self.parent.widgets.remove(self) self.parent.dirty = 1
def _repaint(self): """Repaints the widget.""" if self.dirty == 1: self.clear() self.surface.fill(self.background_color) if self._img_source is not None: if type(self._img_source) == str: source = file_manager.FileManager.get_image_path(self._img_source) image = pygame.image.load(source) elif type(self._img_source) == tuple: image = pygame.Surface((1, 1)) image.fill(self._img_source) else: raise ValueError("img_source has wrong type") image = pygame.transform.scale( image, (self.img_width, self.height - self.padding_top - self.padding_bottom) ) self.surface.blit(image, (self.padding_left, self.padding_top)) if self._border: border_rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, self.width, self.height) pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, self._border_color, border_rect, self._border_width) # Blit text to surface label = self.myfont.render(self._text, True, (0, 0, 0)) if self.text_align == "img" or self.text_align == "image": self.surface.blit( label, ( self.padding_left + self.img_width + self._text_padding_left, self.padding_top + self._text_padding_top, ), ) if self.text_align == "left": self.surface.blit( label, (self.padding_left + self._text_padding_left, self.padding_top + self.text_padding_top) ) self.dirty = 0 @property def text(self) -> str: """The text which is displayed on the widget.""" return self._text @text.setter def text(self, value: str): self.set_text(value)
[docs] def set_text(self, text: Union[str, int, float]): """Sets text of widget. int and float values are converted to string. """ if type(text) == int or type(text) == float: text = str(text) self._text = text self.dirty = 1
[docs] def set_image(self, _img_source: Union[str, tuple]): """sets image of widget Args: _img_source (str): path to image or tuple with color """ self._img_source = _img_source self.dirty = 1
[docs] def set_border(self, color: tuple = (0, 0, 0, 255), width: int = 1): """sets border of widget Args: color (_type_): _description_ width (_type_): _description_ """ self._border = True self._border_color = color self._width = width self.dirty = 1
def __str__(self): return "{0} : {1}".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._text)
[docs] def register(self, method: callable) -> callable: """ Used as decorator e.g. @register def method... """ bound_method = inspection.Inspection(self).bind_method(method) return bound_method
[docs] def send_message(self, text): self.parent.send_message(text)
[docs] class Button(Widget): """A Toolbar Button The Button can receive events. If the button is clicked Args: text (str): _description_ img_path (str): path to an image """ def __init__(self, text: str, img_path: str = None): super().__init__() self.set_text(text) self.event = "button_pressed" if img_path: self.set_image(img_path) = text
[docs] def on_mouse_left(self, mouse_pos): """This event is called when the button is clicked - By default, a message with the button text is then sent to the board. Examples: Send a event on button-click: .. code-block:: python toolbar = Toolbar() button = ToolbarButton("Start Rocket") toolbar.add_widget(button) board.add_container(toolbar, "right") @board.register def on_message(self, message): if message == "Start Rocket": rocket.started = True """ self.parent.send_message(self._text)
class ToolbarButton(Button): """for legacy code""" pass
[docs] class Label(Widget): def __init__(self, text, img_path=None): super().__init__() if img_path: self.set_image(img_path) self.set_text(text) self.event = "label" = text self.background_color = (255, 255, 255, 0)
class ToolbarLabel(Label): """for legacy Code""" pass class SaveButton(Widget): def __init__( self, board, text, filename: str = None, img_path: str = None, ): super().__init__() if img_path: self.set_image(img_path) self.set_text(text) self.event = "label" = text = self.file = filename self.tokens = None def on_mouse_left(self, mouse_pos): if self.file is None: tk.Tk().withdraw() self.file = filedialog.asksaveasfilename( initialdir="./", title="Select file", filetypes=(("db files", "*.db"), ("all files", "*.*")) )"Saved new world", self.file) else:"Saved new world", self.file) print("Board was saved to file:", self.file) class LoadButton(Widget): def __init__( self, board, text, filename, img_path=None, ): super().__init__() if img_path: self.set_image(img_path) self.set_text(text) self.file = filename = def on_mouse_left(self, mouse_pos): tk.Tk().withdraw() if self.file is None: self.file = filedialog.askopenfilename( initialdir="./", title="Select file", filetypes=(("db files", "*.db"), ("all files", "*.*")) ) class ClearButton(Widget): def __init__( self, board, text, img_path=None, ): super().__init__() self.set_text(text) self.board = board = def on_mouse_left(self, mouse_pos): self.board.clear() class CounterLabel(Widget): """A counter label contains a `description` and a `counter`. The counter starts with value 0 and can be modified with `add` and `sub` """ def __init__(self, description, img_path=None): super().__init__() if img_path: self.set_image(img_path) self.value = 0 self.description = description self.set_text("{0} : {1}".format(self.description, str(self.value))) = str(0) def add(self, value): self.value += value self.update_text() def sub(self, value): self.value -= value self.update_text() def get_value(self): return self.value def set(self, value): self.value = value self.update_text() def update_text(self): self.set_text("{0} : {1}".format(self.description, str(self.value))) class TimeLabel(Widget): def __init__(self, board, text, img_path=None): super().__init__() if img_path: self.set_image(img_path) self.board = board self.value = self.board.frame self.text = text self.set_text("{0} : {1}".format(self.text, str(self.value))) = str(0) self.timed = True def update(self): self.value = self.board.frame self.set_text("{0} : {1}".format(self.text, str(self.value))) class FPSLabel(Widget): def __init__(self, board, text, img_path=None): super().__init__() if img_path: self.set_image(img_path) self.board = board self.value = self.board.clock.get_fps() self.text = text self.set_text("{0} : {1}".format(self.text, str(self.value))) = str(0) self.timed = True def update(self): self.value = self.board.clock.get_fps() self.set_text("{0} : {1}".format(self.text, str(self.value))) class ContainerWidget(Widget): """Widget containing multiple widgets. The widgets inside of this widget are displayed from left to right. """ def __init__(self, widgets): for widget in widgets: widget.parent = self self.widgets = widgets self.inner_padding = 5 super().__init__() self.dirty = 1 def _repaint(self): self.clear() if self.dirty == 1: actual_x = 0 self.surface.fill(self.background_color) for widget in self.widgets: widget._width = self.width / len(self.widgets) widget.dirty = 1 widget._repaint() self.surface.blit(widget.surface, (actual_x, 0)) actual_x += widget._width + self.inner_padding def get_widget(self, pos): local_pos = self.get_local_pos(pos) actual_x = 0 for widget in self.widgets: if actual_x <= local_pos[0] <= actual_x + widget.width: return widget actual_x += widget._width + self.inner_padding def on_mouse_left(self, mouse_pos): widget = self.get_widget(mouse_pos) if widget: widget.on_mouse_left(mouse_pos) class YesNoButton(ContainerWidget): def __init__(self, yes_text, no_text): self.yes = Button(yes_text) = Button(no_text) super().__init__([self.yes,]) self.background_color = (255, 255, 255, 0) self.dirty = 1 def get_yes_button(self): return self.yes def get_no_button(self): return class SimplePagination(ContainerWidget): def __init__(self, container, next_text, last_text, ): = Button(next_text) self.last = Button(last_text) self.container = container = container self.last.container = container super().__init__([self.last,]) self.background_color = (255, 255, 255, 0) def on_mouse_left(self, pos): new_first = self.container.first + self.container.max_widgets if new_first <= len(self.container.widgets): self.container.first = new_first def on_mouse_left(self, pos): new_first = self.container.first - self.container.max_widgets if new_first >= 0: self.container.first = new_first else: self.container.first = 0 self.last.register(on_mouse_left) self.dirty = 1